Protocol for Home Visits

COVID-19 Protocol for Home Visits from the Dept. of Aging.

You must call your client the day of the home visit.

Questions before you do the home visit:

  1. How are you feeling?
  2. Have you had a fever, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat in the last 14 days? If yes, have you called your doctor?
  3. Have you been diagnosed with Covid-19?
  4. Have you lost your sense of smell or taste in the last 14 days or had other flu-like symptoms?
  5. Have you been in contact with anyone who has been sick?
  6. Were they diagnosed with COVID-19 or under investigation for COVID-19?
  7. Record information that you did screening questions in peer place.

Client is Sick

If your client is sick or has been in contact with someone who has covid-19, do not do a home visit!

  1. Ascertain needs over the phone. 
  2. Ask if they can get access to Face Time or other electronic means, use that if possible.
  3. Explain that we can assist but we cannot do a home visit at this time.
  4. If your client is in danger, contact 911 and the client’s emergency contact.

Client is Not Sick

If your client is not sick, do a home visit and follow the following protocol.

  1. Ensure that you have called the client the day of the home visit to ask the questions above.
  2. Explain to the client ahead of time that we would prefer they wear a face covering during the home visit. If they don’t have one, we can provide one to them OR they must stay 6 ft. away from the worker. Put the face covering on the door handle for them if they need one and would like to wear one. Have them put it on before you enter the house. All people in the household should wear a face covering if they are in the same room with you OR stay at least 6 ft. away.
  3. You must wear a mask during all home visits.
  4. Gloves are NOT recommended. In fact, gloves often provide a false sense of safety and serve as surfaces to harbor germs. If you do wear gloves be sure to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer immediately after removing them.
  5. Practice social distancing rules. If possible, stay at least 6 feet from your clients/family members.
  6. Try not to touch anything or limit the number of items you touch.
  7. Hand washing is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to prevent the spread of the virus. Hand sanitizer is the next best option when hand washing is not possible. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer immediately after your home visit. We will provided you with sanitizer to have with you at all times in the field while conducting home visits.