Outline of "Stories from Veterans" Project

Jeremy Knab • 28 January 2021
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Project Name

Project Name: Our Veterans, Their Stories

Tag Line: Preserving first hand accounts from our heroes one story at a time.

Project Summary

Short Summary: Video record stories from veterans.

"By recording the oral histories of our veterans, we preserve the human face of American history for generations to come and honor those men and women who swore to protect and defend the United States. Our goal is to document the accounts of those who served from Cattaraugus County."


Project Team:


  • Promo video of Steve discussing the project (Tentatively due March 1st)
  • Promo video of interview clips- (Tentatively due early March)
  • Completed interview video - (Tentatively due early March)
  • Banner Concepts (Tourism Team) - 
  • Kiosk pricing and options (Jeremy) -
  • Promotional Artwork (Tourism Team) -
  • Contact form(s)
    • Veteran sign up form
    • any other contact questions
  • Project page
  • Kick-off Event, May 15, 2021 (Brian)
    • Advertisement (Tourism Team)

Increase Number of Team Members

Add more people to team

  • Local Historians - EDPT
  • Contact St. Bonaventure University Media - John Tomerlin
  • Reach out to local organizations that produce videos.
  • Possibly hire videographer to coordinate pre-production, production, and post-production.
    • Potential- John Tomerlin has worked with SBU Media in the past and retired teacher from TV Media Communications at Olean CABOCES
      • Flexible pricing - $25 an hour or $250 for a day including 3-4 interviews
      • Lighting, set up, tear down included
      • Suggested doing one video from beginning to end to be sure everyone has the same vision
  • Joseph Dwyer Peer to Peer group in Little Valley (look into)
  • WNY Heroes Group

Research Other Projects

We need to research other projects in which veterans have told their stories.

  • Any locals have videos?
  • Discuss with Brian McClellan use of audio from 2006 CABOCES Veterans Audio project.
    • Bring to meeting February 11th
  • Research Regional and National Video Projects

Audio & Video Projects

Create Promo Video

We'll create promotional video to call out for veterans using other stories.

Promote Project

We will continue to promote the project to call for veterans to share their stories.


County seeking WWII, Korean, Vietnam vets to record recollections

Create Project Timeline

We need to rough this out.

Video Storage

We will want to have a place online to store and distribute the raw and final videos..

Catt. County Dept. of EDPT will create a folder for video on Vimeo for this project.


Video camera(s):

  • Nikon D7200 - (EDPT)
  • Canon - Handycam (EDPT)


John Tomerlin will bring this.


  • 1 - tripod (EDPT)
  • 1 - gorillapod (EDPT)


1 - Shotgun mic (EDPT)

More Info / Questions

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