Embed the Total Solar Eclipse Countdown

Jeremy Knab • 27 December 2023
1 comment

Embed the Total Solar Eclipse Countdown in your website! The various embed code will adapt to show differently based upon the size of the embed or space available to the embed. So depending upon the website that the embed code is placed in may look different than what is shown below.

Fixed Size with a Width of 578px by a Height of 378px

Embed Code

<div><iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="578" height="378" src="https://devem.enchantedmountains.net/embed/total-solar-eclipse-2024"></iframe></div>

Fixed Size with a Width of 378px by a Height of 378px

Embed Code

<div><iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="378" height="378" src="https://devem.enchantedmountains.net/embed/total-solar-eclipse-2024"></iframe></div>

No Attributes are Set

Not recommended unless you are setting your own attributes on the IFRAME element.

Embed Code

<div><iframe src="https://devem.enchantedmountains.net/embed/total-solar-eclipse-2024"></iframe></div>


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