Meeting of the Eclipse Group

Jeremy Knab
Event date 23 Jun '22 10:00 - 11:00

Online Meeting about the 2024 Solar Eclipse on June 23, 2022 starting at 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Meeting Objective

Develop a rough plan and timeline from now to a date after the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse.

Rough Agenda

Refer to Eclipse Planning References

Introduction - 3 min.; Samantha Hayes.

Influx of People - 1 min.; Jeremy Knab

People will be showing up in Western New York for the Total Solar Eclipse. Let's make it easier for residents and visitors to understand how to have a safe and fun solar eclipse.

Path of the Eclipse - 5 min.; Jeremy Knab

We will be looking at some maps about the path of the solar eclipse. LINK

Goal(s) / Outcome(s) - 5 min.

Identify some outcome(s) that we'd like to see for the solar eclipse.

Example: Tourism would like to see all accommodations booked months prior to the solar eclipse weekend.

Expectations - 5 min.

There will be Visitors for the Eclipse

"You can do absolutely nothing, and the people are still going to come but are they going to have a good experience? No, not if there's nothing for them to do. We want to get them in town early, we want them to stay put, and we want them to stay late."

Kim Williams, Arkansas Tourism, Planning Advised for '24 Solar Eclipse (2022-04-11)

The website lists regions of North America; under the heading New England it states:

Niagara Falls will be a favored location for many and a photogenic sight for eclipse landscape photography. Other New England cities in the path are Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Burlington, and Presque Island. New York City, Boston, Washington DC, and Philadelphia are within 200 miles of the path of totality! Depending on the weather forecast, there will be a massive number of people leaving the Eastern Seaboard towards the path.

Number of Visitors & for the Eclipse

While some places in the 2017 Eclipse had less visitors than what they had estimated other some places had enormous numbers of visitors, either way it was an influx of visitors.

Group Growth - 5 min.

Any individual interested in planning for the eclipse is welcome to participate in the group.

We are also looking for:

  • astronomers / members of local astronomical association
  • people in tourism-related and hospitality-related businesses
  • municipal officials
  • transportation officials (Local, County Dept. of Public Works, State and Federal)
  • Photographers and Videographers

Review & Discuss Past Solar Eclipse Plans - 10 min.

Planning for future meeting

Emergency Management - 10 min.; Chris Baker / EMS Staff

Planning for future meeting

Watch Locations

Identify possible places for viewing the solar eclipse!

Some examples:

  • Cultural Center
  • Holiday Valley Resort
  • HoliMont
  • Tops of hills throughout Catt. County

The group will be maintaining a list of places.

Possible Issues at Watch Locations

Do we have a lack of restrooms/bathrooms at a location?

A location may need Portable Toilets/Restrooms/Wash Stations (Porta Potties, Porta John).

Light Pollution

Can you turn off automatic lights?


Bad Weather or too many clouds "clouded out". People will leave a bad weather or "clouded out" area for a clear area.


  • Parks, public areas and roadsides
  • Hinsdale Memorial Park
  • St. Bonaventure Campus is just outside of the "Path of Totality" ... is this an issue for viewing?
  • Create and From Working Groups
  • View videos about a town or city on eclipse 2024
  • Time of Easter and Spring Break

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 5062 2237

Passcode: 353063

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